Board of Directors & Staff


Connect with one of our board members with your questions about membership, donations, partnerships, and volunteer opportunities today at

Emerge’s board of directors spans the spectrum of experience and career paths; each making an impact in their respective career fields. Together, the board members share interests in various civic and social issues and work to create a curated experience in the region for our target demographic.

Since its inception, Emerge Sarasota has provided BIPOC young professionals a place in the area to share talents; build connections; dive into new interests; feel seen and heard; and socialize among their peers.

Our goal is to connect young professionals to established leaders in the city and identify other emerging leaders. Emerge works to continuously build the leadership skills and network of its members through different professional development events, community forums, and volunteer opportunities. Emerge will inspire members (and the community) to share their lives, talents, passions, and skills to further enrich the unique community we all share.